For our official Creepy Clown Watch 2016 episode, we welcome back Ainsley Hawthorn and invite her to become the Hermione of our podcast team (and argue over who's Ron enough to take the heat) just in time to throw her in at the deep end with a good old-fashioned Halloween hazing, forcing her to watch 1997's Spawn.
How many sheiks does a party need for it to tip over into being an evil party? How tall is Martin Sheen? Why the heck isn't Michael Jai White starring in all the movies?
Come back to the hey-day of Wizard Magazine, variant covers, and a plucky little upstart comic company that stood up for the noble idea that an artist could own and profit from their work, took that momentum and made Spawn with it.
How many sheiks does a party need for it to tip over into being an evil party? How tall is Martin Sheen? Why the heck isn't Michael Jai White starring in all the movies?
Come back to the hey-day of Wizard Magazine, variant covers, and a plucky little upstart comic company that stood up for the noble idea that an artist could own and profit from their work, took that momentum and made Spawn with it.
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