Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Episode 92 - Masters of the Universe (1987)

It's Jack Kirby's 100th birthday, and despite being one of the most prolific and influential artists of the 20th century,  there are very few movies based on his work. Unless you count Abraxas, Star Wars, the upcoming Justice League and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

So we took a look at a movie that was a secret adaptation of one of his most beloved and obtuse creations, the Fourth World, in the 1987 oddly un-he-man-ish He-Man movie, Masters of the Universe!

What to people eat on Eternia? Where are all the people in this town they're in? Why isn't Frank Langella getting an Oscar for this Skeletor performance?

C'mon, can you imagine "And the Oscar goes to Skeletor?" The WORLD would change. Also, check out the Hall of Great Justice for some Jack Kirby centennial reading!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Episode 91 - Ducktales: The Gizmoduck Saga (1989)

Everyday we're out there making podcasts (woo hoo) and this particular one is about one of the most awkward-to-pretend-to-be-at-recess superheroes of them all, Gizmoduck! He of the popular 80s cartoon Ducktales (woo hoo).

What is the ethnic history of a quasi-multicultural society in a city called Duckberg ruled by a duck ethnic elite? What exactly is the purpose of money in this universe of swimming, skiing and sunbathing in cash? What's a blatherskite?

Does Ducktales have the greatest television theme song of all time? What else is in the running? We'll find out today in this turducken of cartoon super-powered adventurrrrrrrre!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Episode 90 - Poochie (1984)

Superheroes are often reporters, or at least giving themselves a position to receive signals of distress. So why not an advice column? Enter Poochie!

No, not that Poochie. 80s Poochie!

Is there any technical difference between Poochie and Batman or Iron Man? Where does Poochie's C-3PO droid get its human suit? How many other superheroes have their own advice column anyway?

Someone out there was presented with a stuffed toy of a pink and white cartoon dog and thought "Doc Savage". And I want to hug this person. It's Poochie time!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Episode 89 - Star Trek/X-Men (1996)

Once upon a time in the '60s, two cult properties arose that would command huge, obsessive fanbases for decades to come. Turn that 6 upside down, and they finally meet, at the height of the '90s speculator comics market, in 1996's highly improbable crossover Star Trek/X-Men!

What is Andrew's dark and extremely embarrassing history as a Trekie? Is it possible that the conceit of this crossover actually makes a certain amount of storytelling sense? How close did Ainsley come to having Worf for a dad?

PLUS! X-Men in July concludes as Anthony rebuilds X-Men: Apocalypse from the ground up, and Andrew announces who you the listeners picked to be his favorite X-Man!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Episode 88 - X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

We cap off X-Mens in July to check out the much maligned X-Men: Apocalypse! And also all the other movies happening inside X-Men: Apocalypse.

Would we automatically assume a super-powered being out of context was a god? Does destroying all nuclear weapons make Apocalypse history's greatest hero? Why are we doing Phoenix again immediately after that story having sunk your franchise (#RebootTheMuck) just two movies ago? Did we really need the Secret Origins of Xavier's baldness? Wait a second, what the good-god-damn are we doing at Auschwitz in this thing?

Plus: What happens when OH NO IT'S STRYKER NOW AND THE WRITE UP IS ABOUT X-MEN ORANGES WOLVERINE FOR A WHILE HEY WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH HAVING NO MEMORIES ANYWAY BACK TO YOUR PODCAST NICE SEEING YOU you mix the grounded science fictiony fun of the X-Men series with Ivan Ooze from Power Rangers? Not much I guess!